article periodic table of element

Periodic table of the elements, in chemistry, the organized array of all the chemical elements in order of increasing atomic number—i.e., the total number of protons in the atomic nucleus. When the chemical elements are thus arranged, there is a recurring pattern called the “periodic law” in their properties, in which elements in the same column (group) have similar properties. (See Figure 1.) The initial discovery, which was made by Dmitry I. Mendeleyev in the mid-19th century, has been of inestimable value in the development of chemistry.
It was not actually recognized until the second decade of the 20th century that the order of elements in the periodic system is that of their atomic numbers, the integers of which are equal to the positive electrical charges of the atomic nuclei expressed in electronic units. In subsequent years great progress was made in explaining the periodic law in terms of the electronic structure of atoms and molecules. This clarification has increased the value of the law, which is used as much today as it was at the beginning of the 20th century, when it expressed the only known relationship among the elements.

History of the periodic law

The early years of the 19th century witnessed a rapid development in analytical chemistry—the art of distinguishing different chemical substances—and the consequent building up of a vast body of knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of both elements and compounds. This rapid expansion of chemical knowledge soon necessitated classification, for on the classification of chemical knowledge are based not only the systematized literature of chemistry but also the laboratory arts by which chemistry is passed on as a living science from one generation of chemists to another. Relationships were discerned more readily among the compounds than among the elements; it thus occurred that the classification of elements lagged many years behind that of compounds. In fact, no general agreement had been reached among chemists as to the classification of elements for nearly half a century after the systems of classification of compounds had become established in general use.
J.W. Döbereiner in 1817 showed that the combining weight, meaning atomic weight, of strontium lies midway between those of calcium and barium, and some years later he showed that other such “triads” exist (chlorine, bromine, and iodine [halogens] and lithium, sodium, and potassium [alkali metals]). J.-B.-A. Dumas, L. Gmelin, E. Lenssen, Max von Pettenkofer, and J.P. Cooke expanded Döbereiner’s suggestions between 1827 and 1858 by showing that similar relationships extended further than the triads of elements, fluorine being added to the halogens and magnesium to the alkaline-earth metals, while oxygen, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium were classed as one family and nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth as another family of elements.
Attempts were later made to show that the atomic weights of the elements could be expressed by an arithmetic function, and in 1862 A.-E.-B. de Chancourtois proposed a classification of the elements based on the new values of atomic weights given by Stanislao Cannizzaro’s system of 1858. De Chancourtois plotted the atomic weights on the surface of a cylinder with a circumference of 16 units, corresponding to the approximate atomic weight of oxygen. The resulting helical curve brought closely related elements onto corresponding points above or below one another on the cylinder, and he suggested in consequence that “the properties of the elements are the properties of numbers,” a remarkable prediction in the light of modern knowledge.

Classification of the elements

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In 1864, J.A.R. Newlands proposed classifying the elements in the order of increasing atomic weights, the elements being assigned ordinal numbers from unity upward and divided into seven groups having properties closely related to the first seven of the elements then known: hydrogen, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. This relationship was termed the law of octaves, by analogy with the seven intervals of the musical scale.

Then in 1869, as a result of an extensive correlation of the properties and the atomic weights of the elements, with special attention to valency (that is, the number of single bonds the element can form), Mendeleyev proposed the periodic law, by which “the elements arranged according to the magnitude of atomic weights show a periodic change of properties.” Lothar Meyer had independently reached a similar conclusion, published after the appearance of Mendeleyev’s paper.

The first periodic table

Mendeleyev’s periodic table of 1869 contained 17 columns, with two nearly complete periods (sequences) of elements, from potassium to bromine and rubidium to iodine (see Figures 2 and 3), preceded by two partial periods of seven elements each (lithium to fluorine and sodium to chlorine), and followed by three incomplete periods. In an 1871 paper Mendeleyev presented a revision of the 17-group table, the principal improvement being the correct repositioning of 17 elements. He, as well as Lothar Meyer, also proposed a table with eight columns obtained by splitting each of the long periods into a period of seven, an eighth group containing the three central elements (such as iron, cobalt, nickel; Mendeleyev also included copper, instead of placing it in Group I), and a second period of seven. The first and second periods of seven were later distinguished by use of the letters “a” and “b” attached to the group symbols, which were the Roman numerals.
With the discovery of the noble gases helium, neon, argon, krypton, radon, and xenon by Lord Rayleigh (John William Strutt) and Sir William Ramsay in 1894 and the following years, Mendeleyev and others proposed that a new “zero” group to accommodate them be added to the periodic table. The “short-period” form of the periodic table (Figure 4), with Groups 0, I, II,…VIII, became popular and remained in general use until about 1930.
Based on an earlier (1882) model of T. Bayley, J. Thomsen in 1895 devised a new table. This was interpreted in terms of the electronic structure of atoms by Niels Bohr in 1922. In this table (Figure 2) there are periods of increasing length between the noble gases; the table thus contains a period of 2 elements, two of 8 elements, two of 18 elements, one of 32 elements, and an incomplete period. The elements in each period may be connected by tie lines with one or more elements in the following period. The principal disadvantage of this table is the large space required by the period of 32 elements and the difficulty of tracing a sequence of closely similar elements. A useful compromise is to compress the period of 32 elements into 18 spaces by listing the 14 lanthanoids (also called lanthanides) and the 14 actinoids (also called actinides) in a special double row below the other periods.

Other versions of the periodic table

Alternate long forms of the periodic table have been proposed. One of the earliest, described by A. Werner in 1905, divides each of the shorter periods into two parts, one at either end of the table over the elements in the longer periods that they most resemble. The multiple tie lines connecting the periods in the Bayley-type table are thus dispensed with. This class of table, too, can be greatly simplified by removing the lanthanoid and actinoid elements to a separate area. By the mid-20th century this version of the table (Figure 1) had become the most commonly used.

Predictive value of the periodic law

Discovery of new elements

The great value of the periodic law was made evident by Mendeleyev’s success in 1871 in finding that the properties of 17 elements could be correlated with those of other elements by moving the 17 to new positions from those indicated by their atomic weights. This change indicated that there were small errors in the previously accepted atomic weights of several of the elements and large errors for several others, for which wrong multiples of the combining weights had been used as atomic weights (the combining weight being that weight of an element that combines with a given weight of a standard). Mendeleyev was also able to predict the existence, and many of the properties, of the then undiscovered elements eka-boron, eka-aluminum, and eka-silicon, now identified with the elements scandium, gallium, and germanium, respectively. Similarly, after the discovery of helium and argon, the periodic law permitted the prediction of the existence of neon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Moreover, Bohr pointed out that the missing element 72 would be expected, from its position in the periodic system, to be similar to zirconium in its properties rather than to the rare earths; this observation led G. de Hevesy and D. Coster in 1922 to examine zirconium ores and to discover the unknown element, which they named hafnium.

Significance of atomic numbers

In spite of the corrections made by the redetermination of atomic weights, some of the elements in the Mendeleyev and Lothar Meyer periodic tables of 1871 were still required by their properties to be put in positions somewhat out of the order of atomic weights. In the pairs argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel, and tellurium and iodine, for example, the first element had the greater atomic weight but the earlier position in the periodic system. The solution to this difficulty was found only when the structure of the atom was better understood.
About 1910 Sir Ernest Rutherford’s experiments on the scattering of alpha particles by the nuclei of heavy atoms led to the determination of the nuclear electrical charge. The ratio of the nuclear charge to that of the electron was noted to be roughly one-half the atomic weight. In 1911 A. van den Broek suggested that this quantity, the atomic number, might be identified with the ordinal number of the element in the periodic system (following the lead of Newlands, it had become customary to number the elements according to their position in the table). This suggestion was brilliantly confirmed in 1913 by H.G.J. Moseley’s measurements of the wavelengths of the characteristic X-ray spectral lines of many elements, which showed that the wavelengths did indeed depend in a regular way on the atomic numbers—identical with the ordinal numbers of the elements in the table. There is no longer any uncertainty about the position of any element in the ordered series of the periodic system.
That the exact atomic weight of an element is of small significance for its position in the periodic system is shown by the existence of isotopes of every element—atoms with the same atomic number but different atomic weights. The chemical properties of the isotopes of an element are essentially the same, and all the isotopes of an element occupy the same place in the periodic system in spite of their differences in atomic weight.

Elucidation of the periodic law

Detailed understanding of the periodic system has developed along with the quantum theory of spectra and the electronic structure of atoms, beginning with the work of Bohr in 1913. Important forward steps were the formulation of the general rules of the old quantum theory by William Wilson and Arnold Sommerfeld in 1916, the discovery of the exclusion principle by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925, the discovery of the spin of the electron by George E. Uhlenbeck and Samuel Goudsmit in 1925, and the development of quantum mechanics by Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger during the same year. The development of the electronic theory of valence and molecular structure, beginning with the postulate of the shared electron pair by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1916, also played a very important part in explaining the periodic law (see chemical bonding).

The periodic table


The periodic table of the elements contains all of the chemical elements that have been discovered or made; they are arranged, in the order of their atomic numbers, in seven horizontal periods, with the lanthanoids (lanthanum, 57, to lutetium, 71) and the actinoids (actinium, 89, to lawrencium, 103) indicated separately below (unless otherwise stated, Figure 1 will be used as reference). The periods are of varying lengths. First there is the hydrogen period, consisting of the two elements hydrogen, 1, and helium, 2. Then there are two periods of eight elements each: the first short period, from lithium, 3, to neon, 10; and the second short period, from sodium, 11, to argon, 18. There follow two periods of 18 elements each: the first long period, from potassium 19, to krypton, 36; and the second long period, from rubidium, 37, to xenon, 54. The first very long period of 32 elements, from cesium, 55, to radon, 86, is condensed into 18 columns by the omission of the lanthanoids (which are indicated separately below), permitting the remaining 18 elements, which are closely similar in their properties to corresponding elements of the first and second long periods, to be placed directly below these elements. The second very long period, from francium, 87, to oganesson, 118, is likewise condensed into 18 columns by the omission of the actinoids.


Classification of elements into groups

The six noble gases—helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon—occur at the ends of the six completed periods and constitute the Group 18 (0) group of the periodic system. It is customary to refer to horizontal series of elements in the table as periods and vertical series as groups. The seven elements lithium to fluorine and the seven corresponding elements sodium to chlorine are placed, in Figure 1, in the seven groups, 1 (Ia), 2 (IIa), 13 (IIIa), 14 (IVa), 15 (Va), 16 (VIa), and 17 (VIIa), respectively. The 17 elements of the fourth period, from potassium, 19, to bromine, 35, are distinct in their properties and are considered to constitute Groups 1–17 (Ia–VIIa) of the periodic system.
The first group, the alkali metals, thereby includes, in addition to lithium and sodium, the metals from potassium down the table to francium but not the much less similar metals of Group 11 (Ib; copper, etc.). Also the second group, the alkaline-earth metals, is considered to include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium but not the elements of Group 12 (IIb). The boron group includes those elements in Group 13 (IIIa). The other four groups are as follows: the carbon group, 14 (IVa), consists of carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, lead, and flerovium; the nitrogen group, 15 (Va), includes nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, and moscovium; the oxygen group, 16 (VIa), includes oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, polonium, and livermorium; and the halogen group, 17 (VIIa), includes fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine, and tennessine.
Although hydrogen is included in Group 1 (Ia), it is not closely similar to either the alkali metals or the halogens in its chemical properties. It is, however, assigned the oxidation number +1 in compounds such as hydrogen fluoride, HF, and −1 in compounds such as lithium hydride, LiH; and it may hence be considered as being similar to a Group 1 (Ia) element and to a Group 17 (VIIa) element, respectively, in compounds of these two types, taking the place first of Li and then of F in lithium fluoride, LiF. Hydrogen is, in fact, the most individualistic of the elements: no other element resembles it in the way that sodium resembles lithium, chlorine resembles fluorine, and neon resembles helium. It is a unique element, the only element that cannot conveniently be considered a member of a group.
A number of the elements of each long period are called the transition metals. These are usually taken to be scandium, 21, to zinc, 30 (the iron-group transition metals); yttrium, 39, to cadmium, 48 (the palladium-group transition metals); and hafnium, 72, to mercury, 80 (the platinum-group transition metals). By this definition, the transition metals include Groups 3 to 12 (IIIb to VIIIb, and Ib and IIb).

Periodic trends in properties

The periodicity in properties of the elements arranged in order of atomic number is strikingly shown by the consideration of the physical state of the elementary substances and such related properties as the melting point, density, and hardness. The elements of Group 18 (0) are gases that are difficult to condense. The alkali metals, in Group 1 (Ia), are soft metallic solids with low melting points. The alkaline-earth metals, in Group 2 (IIa), are harder and have higher melting points than the adjacent alkali metals. The hardness and melting point continue to increase through Groups 13 (IIIa) and 14 (IVa) and then decrease through Groups 15 (Va), 16 (VIa), and 17 (VIIa). The elements of the long periods show a gradual increase in hardness and melting point from the beginning alkali metals to near the centre of the period and then at Group 16 (VIb) an irregular decrease to the halogens and noble gases.
The valence of the elements (that is, the number of bonds formed with a standard element) is closely correlated with position in the periodic table, the elements in the main groups having maximum positive valence, or oxidation number, equal to the group number and maximum negative valence equal to the difference between eight and the group number.
The general chemical properties described as metallic or base forming, metalloid or amphoteric, and nonmetallic or acid forming are correlated with the periodic table in a simple way: the most metallic elements are to the left and to the bottom of the periodic table and the most nonmetallic elements are to the right and to the top (ignoring the noble gases). The metalloids are adjacent to a diagonal line from boron to polonium. A closely related property is electronegativity, the tendency of atoms to retain their electrons and to attract additional electrons. The degree of electronegativity of an element is shown by ionization potential, electron affinity, oxidation-reduction potential, the energy of formation of chemical bonds, and other properties. It is shown to depend upon the element’s position in the periodic table in the same way that nonmetallic character does, fluorine being the most electronegative element and cesium (or francium) the least electronegative (most electropositive) element.
The sizes of atoms of elements vary regularly throughout the periodic system. Thus, the effective bonding radius (or one-half the distance between adjacent atoms) in the elementary substances in their crystalline or molecular forms decreases through the first short period from 1.52 Å for lithium to 0.73 Å for fluorine; at the beginning of the second period, the bonding radius rises abruptly to 1.86 Å for sodium and gradually decreases to 0.99 Å for chlorine. The behaviour through the long periods is more complex: the bonding radius decreases gradually from 2.31 Å for potassium to a minimum of 1.25 Å for cobalt and nickel, then rises slightly, and finally falls to 1.14 Å for bromine. The sizes of atoms are of importance in the determination of coordination number (that is, the number of groups attached to the central atom in a compound) and hence in the composition of compounds. The increase in atomic size from the upper right corner of the periodic table to the lower left corner is reflected in the formulas of the oxygen acids of the elements in their highest states of oxidation. The smallest atoms group only three oxygen atoms about themselves; the next larger atoms, which coordinate a tetrahedron of four oxygen atoms, are in a diagonal belt; and the still larger atoms, which form octahedral oxygen complexes (stannic acid, antimonic acid, telluric acid, paraperiodic acid), lie below and to the left of this belt. Only the chemical and physical properties of the elements are determined by the extranuclear electronic structure; these properties show the periodicity described in the periodic law. The properties of the atomic nuclei themselves, such as the magnitude of the packing fraction and the power of entering into nuclear reactions, are, although dependent upon the atomic number, not dependent in the same periodic way.


  1. Can you please explain what the periods and factions are about?

  2. How much the synthesis elements? And what the feature of that?

    1. In chemistry, a synthetic element is a chemical element that does not occur naturally on Earth, and can only be created artificially. So far, 24 synthetic elements have been created (those with atomic numbers 95–118). All are unstable, decaying with half-lives ranging from 15.6 million years to a few hundred microseconds.

  3. what the mean The valence of the elements ?

    1. Each element has a definite electronic configuration. The electrons in the outermost shell of an atom are termed as its valence electrons. The valence electrons take part in the chemical reactions. The combining capacity of an element is given by the number of valence electrons which take part in chemical reactions.

      The number of valence electrons of an element which actually tart in the chemical reactions is called as the valence of that element.

      Valence of an element may also be defined as follows:

      “The number of Hydrogen atoms, or chlorine atoms, or double the number of oxygen atoms which combine with one atom of element is called its valence.”

      For example, the valence of nitrogen (N) in ammonia (NH3) is three: one atom of nitrogen combines with three atoms of hydrogen.

  4. How the element radius on the periodic table ?

    1. like this Helium 31 pm Cadmium 161 pm Praseodymium 247 pm
      Neon 38 pm Silver 165 pm Barium 253 pm
      Fluorine 42 pm Chromium 166 pm Rubidium 265 pm
      Oxygen 48 pm Lithium 167 pm Cesium 298 pm
      Hydrogen 53 pm Palladium 169 pm

  5. Can we know the weight and weight of the atom?

    1. yes we can , relative atomic mass, ratio of the average mass of a chemical element’s atoms to some standard. Since 1961 the standard unit of atomic mass has been one-twelfth the mass of an atom of the isotope carbon-12. An isotope is one of two or more species of atoms of the same chemical element that have different atomic mass numbers (protons + neutrons). The atomic weight of helium is 4.002602, the average that reflects the typical ratio of natural abundances of its isotopes. See below for a list of chemical elements and their atomic weights.

  6. What are the names of classes in the elemental periodic system?

    1. In the periodic system of the classes and periods, in each element having different atomic numbers, groups of classes 1a - 8a and periods 1-7

  7. The elements of Group 18 (0) are gases that are difficult to condense, please explain it !

    1. The Group 0 elements, the NOBLE GASES consist of helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radioactive radon. The chemical inertness of the noble gases is explained. The physical properties of the noble gases are described and the group trends of noble gases in terms of melting points, boiling points, density, chemical reactivity and atomic radii. The 'few' chemical properties of some noble gases e.g. xenon are mentioned. The uses of noble gases are also described and explained. These revision notes on noble gases should prove useful for the new AQA, Edexcel and OCR GCSE (9–1) chemistry science courses.

  8. Do you think, how to learn the periodic table easily?

    1. Easy Way to Memorize Periodic Table of Chemical Elements with Donkey Bridge

      Easy way to memorize the periodic table in high school chemistry lesson by donkey bridge. The donkey bridge is a way of remembering or memorizing something used in the field of education. The donkey bridge is often a word or syllable added to the word order you want to memorize to form with an interesting or logical meaning (Source: May be useful.

      Group element 1A (alkali)

      Table of chemical elements


      Donkey Bridge:

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      Holiday Later We Rbut Pants Si Feri
      Haji Lina Kawan Rubi Cs frans
      Hiiii ... Lina Kok RaiB! Her husband's candidate is Frustrated!
      Hajj Lina Climbing Horse Racing Kiss with Frans
      Hi Lina You Grab Fredy's Holy Love
      Halina Karo Robi Cs-se Francis
      HaLiNa Kawin Rubi Cs Frustration

      Group Element 2A (Alkaline Soil)

      Alkaline soil


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      Give Manganese Look for King King
      Duck Mangan Worm Drag Rasane
      Manganese Duck Wrap Radial tire kesrempet
      Buy Mango Soursop For Flower.
      Duck Manganese Worm Sruduk Bakul Rawon


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